3D Models
GenesisII can include 3D models within a fractal landscape. Models are rendered correctly for light, atmosphere etc. just like any other landscape feature.

Model Sources
For efficiency reasons models must be defined in GenesisII's own .g3s format. A convertor (modeltog3s) is supplied to import from 3D Studio Max .3ds format. This version of GenesisII does not understand texture maps, and all materials must be defined (i.e. no default materials as information about these materials is not stored in the 3ds file). The modeltog3s program is freeware and updates DXF and other file formats are planned - see our update policy.

Placing Models
Models are associated with terrains and placed on the landscape with the landscape editor or indirectly from imported GIS data. Placement takes into account the effect of fractalization on the height of the landscape surface.